Help and Support

I can't figure out how to log in. Help?

In order to use the hotspot, you must first connect the wireless network called 'GBTel Hotspot'. After your device connected to the network, open your web browser and load any web page. Before the page loads, you will be redirected to the hotspot login page where you can either log in with an existing account, or you can create an account if you do not have one yet.

I'm connected to the network, but my browser won't redirect to the login page.

The hotspot system should redirect you to the log in page automatically when you try to access any web page without being logged in to your hotspot account. However, the redirect only works on "http://" pages, and NOT on "https://" pages. This can sometimes cause a problem with sites such as Facebook, Google, and several others that sometime force https:// pages to load. If you're experiencing this, please try to load a different web page such as, and the redirect should work properly

Do all wireless devices work on the hotspot?

We've done our best to engineer our hotspot system so that it will work with as many different devices as possible. However, due to the ever-changing landscape of the mobile world, we cannot guarantee that all devices will work perfectly, or at all. If you purchase a hotspot account, but you're unable to use it because your device won't work, we will gladly refund your money (subject to an account review to make sure that your device is actually not working, and that there is no usage on your account).

Can I use multiple devices at the same time?

By default, all of our plans allow only one simultaneous device per hotspot account, except the "1 Month" plan, which allows two devices. Optionally, our "3 Day" and "1 Week" plans allow a second user to be added at the time of purchase. For more specific information regarding this, please see our Terms of Service.
In order to use your account with a different device, you must first log out of the device that is currently signed in to your acount. To do this, please visit on the device that is currently signed in, and click "Logout" in the menu.